Show up, show up, show up, and after a while the muse shows up, too. - Isabel Allende

Show up, show up, show up, and after a while the muse shows up, too. - Isabel Allende

Inspirational quote of the day by Isabel Allende.

Have you hit a creative block and just can't think of new ideas? This happens often to writers, musicians, and other artists who rely on their creativity to produce.

This wise quote is simple. Get to work! Do it, even if you are not inspired at that moment.

By showing up every day and doing the work, you are slowly building momentum, and your consistency and persistence will eventually lead to those magic moments of creativity. It's like setting the stage for good things to happen.

Isabel Allende (1942-) is a Chilean American writer who has authored 21 books and has sold more than 65 million copies worldwide.

After the military coup of the Chilean government in 1973, Allende fled to Venezuela, and it was during this time that she took her first steps as a novelist by writing letters to her ailing grandfather. This letter grew into a 500-page manuscript, which was later published as her debut novel, "The House of the Spirits."

Despite the tumultuous circumstances, Allende showed up to her writing desk every day, channelling her emotions into the creation of a literary masterpiece.

The consistency in her writing routine became a lifeline. At times when inspiration seemed elusive, she trusted the process, showing up to confront the blank page. This dedication not only resulted in the completion of her debut novel but also set the stage for a prolific career spanning decades.

Trust the process. Show up every day, and inspiration will come.

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